
Compliance Audit

An Objective Legislative Verification

A Compliance audit is a fundamental audit, in which an auditor examines, checks, access and reviews an entities safety rules and policies to ensure that it adheres to the judicial legislative requirements, standards and regulations. Severe penalties may be enforced for noncompliance thus a compliance audit enables strict measures to implement a collection of policies, regulations, record-keeping procedures, and proof of competence that govern safe working conditions.
Businesses typically concentrate solely on physical compliance audits in an attempt to avoid penalties. Compliance audits concentrate on mitigating actual safety hazards.


Program Audit

Independant In-depth Analysis

Evaluating safe practices sometimes requires dissecting the rule book by gauging inputs from employees and every single individual component to determine if the program can establish safe outcomes
Safety program audits are the only solution that puts your HSE program to the test, extensively evaluating the design and effectiveness of your safety program from the inside-out. While program audits can effectively find gaps in the implementation of your safety program, on its own, program audits lack the authenticity to determine top standards


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Management System Audit

A Comprehensive Audit approach

Management system audit is a combination of compliance and program audits. Its goal is to evaluate the existing performance of the safety program and determine if it conforms to company policy and regulatory norms.
A management system audit integrates a more comprehensive auditing approach, where compliance reviews, worker interviews, and workplace observation are intertwined into a single auditing process to give you an overall picture of your safety program.

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Ready for Objective Compliance Verification, contact the experts!